Development Update: New Client Details

In our last news post, we mentioned we’re working on a fresh TBC realm running on a modified 3.3.5a client.

New client details

We've received a lot of questions about the specifics of our new client. In response, we’ve created a video to address some of the most common questions.
Other than features already shown in the video, we’ve also been busy with fixing in-game issues and implementing smaller features like Discord integration.
There are also a lot of features we’re going to support that were not mentioned in the video like accurate threat data sent directly from the server, calendar, raid-boss unit frames, and many more.
You’ll get the chance to try all of them out in the open beta!

Beta when?

We’re working towards releasing the beta as soon as possible.
While there are still tasks to be completed before we reach this milestone — one of the bigger ones being a reliable way to distribute the client — we're loosely aiming for the beta to release in mid-late July.
We’re planning for the testing phase to be open for everyone to participate, and extend all the way through to the realm's release.
In the meantime, you can keep track of what we’ve been up to in our changelogs.

What’s next

As we’ve mentioned before, you can expect more updates from us as we get closer to the open beta.
We plan on explaining our plans regarding topics like faction balance, as well as our approach to PvE and PvP content in our upcoming posts.
As always, we’re happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions!