Patch 2.3

From deep inside Ghostlands a new enemy threatens Azeroth!
Rush over to Zul'Aman with your friends on the 8th of October (17:00 server time) to thwart Zul'jin's plans.
Even the toughest adventurers may fall victim to the might of the Amani trolls.
Save the prisoners before they're helplessly sacrificed and obtain powerful rewards!
Help Budd's crew get out of their predicament and perhaps you will find yourself owning a new exotic mount.


With today's update we're also going to release the Brewfest seasonal event. It is going to start on 02.10.2020 and last until 16.10.2020. During the event you'll be able to partake in the festivities, brawl with the invading Dark Iron Dwarves and fight the seasonal boss, Coren Direbrew in Blackrock Depths.
Bottoms up!

Triple Specialization

Today also marks the day we release a new service — Triple Specialization. It's been a long requested quality of life feature and we've decided to add it with today's server update. Players who have unlocked the Triple Specialization service will also be able to reset any of their talent trees at will through the website. You'll be able to find it in your Character Panel.
We're looking forward to hearing your feedback on the service.

What's next

Tomorrow, Saturday 03.10, at 15:00 CET we'll stream the second 3v3 Tournament on Twitch.
Tune in if you enjoy TBC arena!

Moving forward we're shifting our development focus to Isle of Quel'Danas, Magister's Terrace and the Sunwell Plateau. We're also going to continue solving issues on the bugtracker and pressing problems that might appear.

As always we're happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Reach out to us on Discord or email us at [email protected].